In March 2023, the Shire of Kent was successful in securing a grant from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage under the Local Heritage Grants Program to identify local heritage places and develop and implement a heritage framework
A consultant from Heritage Intelligence (WA) was contracted to undertake works required to form a new Local Heritage Survey (LHS) which would replace Council’s previously adopted Municipal Heritage Inventory.
Part 18 of the Heritage Act 2018 requires each local government to identify places of cultural heritage significance in a LHS. The LHS helps local governments make decisions that reflect local heritage values and supports the creation of the heritage list or area, which identify places to be protected under the Local Planning Scheme.
The draft report was advertised for public comment with minor submissions being received relating to incorrect spelling. At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 15 May 2024 Council adopted the Shire of Kent Heritage Survey and Heritage List. Copies of these documents can be downloaded below: