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A Friendly, Family Community

Fire Management Requirements

Protecting out community from bush fires is a shared responsibility. The Shire of Kent issues its Fire Hazard Reduction Notice to land owners and occupiers each year, which contains information about what you need to do to prepare your property for the fire season.

Depending on the size of your property, you may be need to install and maintain firebreaks and reduce the amount of flammable material that is on your land.

All habitable buildings should also be surrounded by an Asset Protection Zone that will help your home from damage or destruction in case of a bush fire.

The Fire Management Notice is issued under section 33 of the Bush Fire Act 1954, and if the requirements listed in the notice are not complied with, penalties may apply.

The fire mitigation measures listed in the Notice must be in place by 1 November 2024 and be maintained up to 30 April 2025 (inclusive). Please note that these dates may change, so please check the Shire of Kent’s website regularly for any updates

Variation to Fire Management Requirements

If you are not able to comply with the requirements of the Notice, you may apply to the Shire of Kent for a Variation to Requirement.

Please complete an application form, including details of alternative fire protection measures that you will use to safeguard your property from the risk of bushfire. Please ensure you return the form to the Shire no later than 15 October 2021. The Shire will assess your application and advise you of the outcome in writing. Please note that if you are granted a variation to only some of the requirements, the rest of the requirements listed in the Notice will still apply.

Penalties may apply

Non-compliance with the requirement of the Fire Management Notice may incur a $250 fine, or a maximum penalty of $5,000. The Shire of Kent, or a contractor engaged by the Shire, may enter your land to install the firebreak or reduce fuel loads and you will be charged for expenses incurred.