⚠️HVMB UPDATE: The current HVMB in place for the Shire of Kent will lift from 4:30pm Friday 7/3/2025 At direction of Grant Collins CBFCO

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A Friendly, Family Community

DAMA Employer Surveys

Is Your Business Looking for Staff?

We want to know what skills your business needs now and into the future. This will help support a possible application for a designated area migration agreement (DAMA).

A DAMA is a formal agreement between the Australian Government and a regional, state or territory authority to give businesses access to more overseas workers than the standard skilled migration program. DAMAs operate under an agreement-based framework, providing flexibility for regions to respond to their unique economic and labour market conditions. This work is being undertaken by RDA Great Southern in partnership with the Great Southern Development Commission and the Local Government Authorities in the Great Southern.

If you are currently, have previously or will possibly experience skilled staff shortages in the future, we urge you to complete the survey. It is open to all industries who have a physical business presence in the Great Southern.

Please complete the survey by 17 October 2022 via this link or scan the QR Code below with your phone or iPad.

Please allow 30-40 minutes to complete this survey.

For more information contact CEO of Regional Development Australia Great Southern Simon Lyas via or phone 6820 2800.