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A Friendly, Family Community



Click Here to read the Shire of Kent Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3

Click Here to read the Shire of Kent Draft Local Planning Scheme Maps

Click Here to read the Shire of Kent Draft Local Planning Strategy – SMALL FILE (Lower Quality)

Click Here to read the Shire of Kent Draft Local Planning Strategy – LARGE FILE (Higher Quality)

Want to make a Submission on the Local Planning Scheme and Local Planning Strategy? Click Here for the submission form. Submissions Close 22/05/2021


What is a Local Planning Strategy

A Local Planning Strategy provides the long-term vision, goals and objectives to guide and control future land use in the Shire over a 10-15 year period. A local planning strategy is required to reflect regional and state planning policy of the State Government.

What is a Local Planning Scheme?

The Scheme is the rulebook that ensures that development aligns with the vision articulated by the Local Planning Strategy. The Scheme establishes various zones throughout the Shire, determines what uses can occur in these zones and the development standards that apply.

Why does the Local Planning Strategy/Scheme need to be reviewed?

Local Governments are required to review Local Planning Schemes periodically (generally every 5 years).

The Shire’s current Town Planning Scheme No. 2, which was gazetted in 1996 (and consolidated in 2007) currently only covers the Nyabing and Pingrup townsites. The document is outdated and requires review to align with revised state planning requirements, and to reflect the current land use needs and desires of the Shire. The draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3 has been extended to apply to the entirety of the Shire of Kent local government boundary.

It is a requirement to prepare a Local Planning Strategy in tandem with the Scheme to provide justification for provisions in the Scheme and ensure the statutory planning is consistent with the long term vision for the Shire and takes into account contemporary planning, economic, social and environmental issues.

How Can I be involved?

Consultation has previously been undertaken on the decision to commence preparation of the Scheme and extend the boundaries of the Scheme to cover the local government area. A draft Local Planning Strategy and Scheme has now been prepared, which has been adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on the 18 December 2019 for public advertising and has been certified as suitable for advertising by the Western Australian Planning Commission.

The documents are now being publicly advertised, inviting submissions to be made until the 22 May 2021.

The draft Local Planning Strategy and Scheme can be viewed at the link above, or at the Shire Offices at 24-26 Richmond Street, Nyabing during open hours.

Submissions on the Local Planning Strategy and Scheme should be lodged in writing and should include details of the property affected (if any), details of the submission and contact details and be lodged with the Shire of Kent on or prior to the 22 May 2021

If you have any questions on the documents, please feel free to contact the Shire for further information. If you wish to be updated at key points in the project please let us know.

Subject to interest, the Shire will also be holding a community information day where you can attend, ask questions in person or lodge your submission. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Shire to register and you will be contacted once an appropriate date for this to take place has been determined.

Who has the final say?

Following the end of the advertising period, Council will consider any submissions received, and determine to either support or not support the documents with or without modification in response to submissions. It will then required to be referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission and Minister for Planning for consideration, who may either support with or without modification or not support.  Once the documents are approved and/or gazetted by the WAPC/Minister they have effect and will supercede the current Town Planning Scheme No. 2.