⚠️HVMB UPDATE: The current HVMB in place for the Shire of Kent will lift from 4:30pm Friday 7/3/2025 At direction of Grant Collins CBFCO

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A Friendly, Family Community


Becoming an Australian Citizen is an important and memorable occasion. The Shire of Kent can host ceremonies throughout the year to help you complete your citizenship process, including on Australia Day on 26 January and Australian Citizenship Day on 17 September.

For enquiries on your ceremony date or for updates on the progress of your citizenship application, please email or call the Department of Home Affairs on 13 18 80.


Becoming an Australian Citizen

The legal status of Australian Citizen carries the right to:
•    Vote and elect Australia’s governments.
•    Apply for appointment to any public office or to nominate for election as a member of parliament.
•    Apply for an Australian passport and to leave and re-enter the country without a visa.
•    Seek assistance from Australian diplomatic representatives while overseas.
•    Apply to enlist in the defence forces and apply for government jobs requiring Australian citizenship.
•    Register a child born to you overseas after you become an Australian citizen, as an Australian citizen by descent.

The Department of Home Affairs website offers more information on the citizenship process.


Your Citizenship Ceremony

Australian citizenship ceremonies for residents are held at the Shire of Kent Council Chambers in Nyabing. They have an important symbolic and legal role as you are officially welcomed as an Australian Citizen.

This is a formal part of the citizenship process with a person becoming an Australian citizen on the date he or she attends the citizenship ceremony and makes the Pledge of Commitment to Australia.


Applying for an Australian Citizenship

To apply for Australian citizenship please contact the Department of Home Affairs:

Phone: 131 880

All applications must be lodged at the Department of Home Affairs.

For more information visit the Department of Home Affairs immigration and citizenship website.


Citizenship Ceremony Wait Time

Due to the low number of regular applications from within our Shire, ceremonies are organised on an as-needed basis.

A ceremony will be held within three to six months of you receiving your confirmation letter and is hosted by the Shire of Kent. The Shire will provide you with an email invitation 6 weeks prior to your ceremony date, at which time you will need to respond to advise your attendance.


Current Applications

The Shire of Kent currently has no active Australian Citizenship applications.


What to expect on the day

  • A formal introduction
  • Speeches, including a welcome message from the presiding officer
  • Minister’s Message
  • An address to participants
  • The pledge
  • National Anthem.

The presiding officer will ask you to repeat the Australian citizenship pledge out loud. You will become an Australian citizen after you make the pledge.

You will say the version of pledge that you chose on your application (to God or to Country).


What to bring to the ceremony

You need to bring one form of photo identification:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s licence
  • An official document with a photograph.

If you do not have photo identification, bring at least three documents showing your name, address and signature:

  • Utility bills
  • Bank statements
  • Credit card statements.

If you are under 16, you do not need to bring photo identification.

If you want to make the Australian citizenship pledge on a holy book, bring a book with you to the ceremony. The City does not provide holy books.


Citizenship certificates

After you have made the pledge, you should receive your citizenship certificate.

If your certificate is not ready at the ceremony, the Department of Home Affairs will post it to you. You will still become a citizen when you make the pledge.

Your citizenship certificate is issued in the name you gave on your application form. This was your legal name at the time the Department of Home Affairs approved your citizenship.

Your citizenship certificate is an important legal document. You will need it when you apply for an Australian passport. It is recommended that you wait until 10 business days after your citizenship ceremony to apply.


Lost certificates

If you have lost your citizenship certificate and require a replacement, please visit the Department of Home Affairs immigration and citizenship website.