⚠️HVMB UPDATE: The current HVMB in place for the Shire of Kent will lift from 4:30pm Friday 7/3/2025 At direction of Grant Collins CBFCO

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A Friendly, Family Community

Rubbish Collection & Recycling

Rubbish collection occurs to residents in both Nyabing and Pingrup on Tuesday each week.

  • Household rubbish is collected weekly.
  • Recycling is collected fortnightly.

You can view the 24/25 calender here.

Council hopes to encourage all forms of recycling and will pursue all possible avenues of recycling waste materials and therefore offer drop – off points in both Nyabing and Pingrup townsites for non-town residents. These bins are located in the Richmond Street Carpark in Nyabing and at the western end of the caravan park (near shears shed) in Pingrup.

Each town also has a refuse site available to the community. Located at the Pingrup refuse site is a transfer station which is designed for the temporary deposition of mainly domestic waste to be transferred to a larger refuse site due to minimal landfill space remaining. In the near future Nyabing will also have a transfer station.

A waste oil collection facility is located at the Nyabing Refuse Site. This facility is for the disposal of waste automotive oil only. Note: This service is for the disposal of the OIL ONLY, drum disposal is the responsibility of the depositor.

Council also participates in the drumMUSTER program which provides Australian agricultural and veterinary chemical users with a recycling pathway for eligible empty agvet chemical containers. The program provides regular training for councils and collection agency staff  in the safe handling, cleanliness, inspection and storage of the returned drums. Training also covers the reporting required to track the program’s performance at each site.

If you require further information in regards to our refuse sites, please contact the Shire Administration Office on (08) 9851 9780.